How do I view how much bandwidth my web site has used today, this month, or this year? Print

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The Bandwidth Usage feature allows you to see the bandwidth usage for your site. It shows the current month's bandwidth usage as well as your total bandwidth usage. This will include all HTTP (web) and POP (mail) bandwidth usage and may include FTP bandwidth usage if your system administrator has enabled FTP bandwidth logging.

Monthly Bandwidth Limit


The next section shows the amount of bandwidth or traffic used on your web site for the current day. The "Traffic for Today" graph shows the amount of bandwidth or traffic on the following protocols:

  • Http - Web site page bandwidth usage.
  • Pop - Mail bandwidth usage.
  • Imap - Mail bandwidth usage.
  • Ftp - File Transfer Protocol or amount of file upload and download bandwidth usage.
  • Smtp - Outgoing mail bandwidth usage.
  • All - Total bandwidth usage for Http, Pop, Imap, Ftp, and Smtp.

This Year

The next section shows the amount of bandwidth or traffic used on your web site for the current year. The "Traffic for CURRENT_YEAR" graph shows the amount of bandwidth or traffic on the following protocols:

  • Http - Web site page bandwidth usage.
  • Pop - Mail bandwidth usage.
  • Imap - Mail bandwidth usage.
  • Ftp - File Transfer Protocol or amount of file upload and download bandwidth usage.
  • Smtp - Outgoing mail bandwidth usage.
  • All - Total bandwidth usage for Http, Pop, Imap, Ftp, and Smtp.

The last three sections shows the amount of bandwidth used for the last three months including the current month. The two months prior to the current month displays a "circle" graphic that says "Click to Show." Click on the circle graphic to display the amount of bandwidth used as displayed on a pie chart.

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